Džiaugsmo gatvė: map and information about the Džiaugsmo gatvę and its addresses
Have photos of this building?
Džiaugsmo g. 72, Vilniaus m.
Year of construction 2002
Distance to center ~6.36 km
Džiaugsmo g. 73, Vilniaus m.
Year of construction 1962
Distance to center ~5.3 km
Have photos of this building?
Džiaugsmo g. 74, Vilniaus m.
Year of construction 2002
Distance to center ~6.39 km
Džiaugsmo g. 75, Vilniaus m.
Year of construction 1961
Distance to center ~5.33 km
Have photos of this building?
Džiaugsmo g. 76, Vilniaus m.
Year of construction 2002
Distance to center ~6.39 km
Džiaugsmo g. 77, Vilniaus m.
Year of construction 1964
Distance to center ~5.33 km
Have photos of this building?
Džiaugsmo g. 78, Vilniaus m.
Year of construction 2002
Distance to center ~6.39 km
Džiaugsmo g. 79, Vilniaus m.
Year of construction 1958
Distance to center ~5.3 km
Have photos of this building?
Džiaugsmo g. 80, Vilniaus m.
Year of construction 2002
Distance to center ~6.38 km
Džiaugsmo g. 81, Vilniaus m.
Year of construction 1962
Distance to center ~5.29 km
Džiaugsmo gatvės addresses, other statistics. More information about Džiaugsmo gatvės you can get by searching for the exact address or broasing the map.
Length of the street | ~4.25 km |
if ($livable > 0) { ?>
Number of 1-2 flats residential buildings | 104 |
} ?>
if ($flats > 0) { ?>
Number of residential buildings | 10 |
} ?>