Baltijos g. 98, Kaunas

Rating: 73/100

Geležinio Vilko g. 20, Kaunas

Rating: 70/100

The closest school

  • 0.32 km
  • 0.26 km

The nearest shopping center

  • 0.34 km
  • 0.32 km

Distance to center

  • 3.1 km
  • 5.37 km

Building info

Pastatymo metai: 1992
Aukštų skaičius: 5
Pastatymo metai: 1978
Aukštų skaičius: 5

Number of floors

  • 5
  • 5

Air pollution by nitrogen dioxide

Very low (11.67 ug/m3)
Very low (12.40 ug/m3)

Air pollution by nitrogen dioxide

  • 11.67 ug/m3
  • 12.40 ug/m3

Air pollution with particulate matter

Low (25.54 ug/m3)
Low (26.34 ug/m3)

Air pollution with particulate matter

  • 25.54 ug/m3
  • 26.34 ug/m3

Night-time noise levels

No data
No data

Night-time noise levels

The market value

No data
No data

The market value


1.02 EUR/m2
The average home heating costs during the 2011/2012 heating season
0.95 EUR/m2
The average home heating costs during the 2011/2012 heating season


  • 1.02 EUR/m2
  • 0.95 EUR/m2

Physical violence

Number of crimes within a radius of 500 m
Number of crimes within a radius of 500 m

Physical violence

  • 18
  • 6


Number of crimes within a radius of 500 m
Number of crimes within a radius of 500 m


  • 7
  • 6

Thefts from a dwellings

Number of crimes within a radius of 500 m
Number of crimes within a radius of 500 m

Thefts from a dwellings

  • 2
  • 10

Car thefts

Number of crimes within a radius of 500 m
Number of crimes within a radius of 500 m

Car thefts

  • 8
  • 11

Thefts from vehicles

Number of crimes within a radius of 500 m
Number of crimes within a radius of 500 m

Thefts from vehicles

  • 20
  • 36

Vagystės be smurto

Number of crimes within a radius of 500 m
Number of crimes within a radius of 500 m

Vagystės be smurto compare

  • 33
  • 31

The average age of the population

No data
No data

The average age of the population

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