The average age of the population in neighborhood
Nationalities percentage of neighborhood
Source: Department of Statistics, 2001 y.
Rating of the schools, gymnasiums is based on six (lithuanian, mathematics, foreign language, history, biology, physics) state final examination results on 2012. Also counts graduates who entered Lithuanian and foreign institutions of higher education at the first request. The results of the examinations and entry into institutions of higher education ratio is better then the rating is higher.
Information about building
Year of construction | 1930 |
Number of floors | 1 |
Number of flats | 3 |
Overall area | 98 m2 |
Category | Daugiabutis gyvenamasis namas |
Gas | Dujų nėra |
Group | Butai |
Heating | Krosninis šildymas |
Intendance | Gyvenamoji (butų) |
Drainage | Nėra |
Type | Gyvenamasis pastatas |
Walls | Rąstai |
Water supply | Miesto vandentiekis |
Air pollution (Environmental Protection Agency)
Nitrogen dioxide 11.40 ug/m3 | |
Particulate matter 25.95 ug/m3 | |
Number of crimes within a radius of 500 m
Physical violence | 24 |
Robberies | 9 |
Thefts from a dwellings | 13 |
Car thefts | 1 |
Thefts from vehicles | 6 |
Vagystės be smurto | 22 |
Information technology and communications department
Comments about this building
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Namas senas, kaimynai irgi:)Kai senų nelieka, naujieji pasidaro remontą.Aplinka puiki. Šalia Nemunas, pušynas, paplūdimys, yra mankštos aikštelė. Nemune plaukioja antys, gulbės. Alėjoje dideli kaštonai ir liepos, žydėjimo metu miela ir malonu pasivaikščioti... Autobusų stotelė šalia, važiuoja mikriukai. Labai patogu. Automobiliams vietos užtenka, nes dauguma turi garažus netoliese.Kaimyniniam name Šeimos sveikatos centras, vaistinė.
Kito tokio rajono Kaune nėra :)
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